Book Launch - She Serves the Realm

Book Launch - She Serves the Realm Cover Image

Lee Swanson

June 6, 2024

Historical fiction author Lee Swanson will be launching the fourth novel in his thrilling No Man is His Master series, She Serves the Realm" at The Book Dragon in Staunton, Virginia, 12-2 PM on June 22, 2024.


She Serves the Realm is the fourth book in the historical fiction series No Man is Her Master. The saga takes place in early 14th century England and follows the exploits of Sir Frederick Kohl, Hanseatic master merchant and English knight, who is in reality Christina Kohl, a woman in disguise. She returns to London to discover her beloved Lady Cecily’s abusive husband is dead. They now only need the king’s permission to fulfill their dreams of marriage. But in the turbulent times of Edward II’s reign, he is much more concerned with making use of Christina’s considerable talents than in bringing happiness to her life.
In She Serves the Realm, Christina is torn from her merchant trade and the woman she loves to become an officer of the king. She is placed in ever-growing danger as civil war seems all but inevitable; the rebellious barons demanding the banishment of the king's favorite, Piers Gaveston, while King Edward is just as adamant to retain him by his side. Complicating matters further is the always present peril of Christina’s disguise being discovered.
Can Christina succeed in the tasks King Edward sets before her, winning the right to claim Lady Cecily as her bride? And what of Gaveston; can Christina somehow save him from his enemies, and even himself? Rein your palfrey beside Christina’s mare Pearl and join Lee Swanson at The Book Dragon on Saturday, June 22nd.
Autographed copies of all Lee's books will be available, as well as giveaways and a chat about all things medieval. Don't miss this opportunity to whisk yourself back to England in the Middle Ages, if only for a day.
About the author: Lee Swanson has enjoyed a lifelong interest in medieval history. He lived in Germany and England for over twenty-five years, first as a soldier and then as a teacher before returning to live in the United States.
Graduating summa cum laude from the University of North Florida with a master’s degree in European History, Lee’s thesis centered on the Hansa, a confederation of merchants from primarily northern German cities. Many of the colorful characters who populate his novels are drawn from the lives of these resolute wayfarers who traveled the waterways of Europe in search of profit and prestige.
Lee, his wife Karine, and their dog Banjo now split their time between Staunton, Virginia and San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.