Berkhamsted Castle

Berkhamsted Castle Cover Image

Lee Swanson

September 15, 2022

Today, we journeyed to the ruins of Berkhamsted Castle in Hertfordshire. Many thanks to my intrepid wife who drove, as the two plus hours of travel from Staffordshire was extended on the way by over ninety minutes at a halt on the M1 for God knows why.

Berkhamsted Castle is of motte and bailey construction dating back to soon after the Norman Conquest. It is situated in the valley of the Bulborne River along whose banks was the Roman Akeman Road.

The castle figures prominently in the fourth novel of the No Man is Her Master series, She Serves the Realm. Even though there are sparse ruins remaining, viewing the site first hand was absolutely fantastic. One anticipates English castles to be built of stone, but I discovered Hertfordshire is largely devoid of suitable deposits of limestone, granite, etc. Instead, Berkhamsted's curtain walls was constructed of flint and chalk rubble laid in yellowish mortar.

Although there were three gates through the enceinte at Berkhamsted, the western gate was the main entrance to the castle. This was protected by a massive barbican, a drawbridge over the wet moat, and perhaps another barbican controlling access to the bailey.